Shabbat Together

Enjoy the calm and joy of Shabbat together while apart.

Fridays at 5:30pm

Click Here to Connect via Zoom

We will also attempt to live stream on the MAKOMnj Facebook Page

No need to register just enjoy!



Mark your calendar for High Holy Days 2024/5785

Erev Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, October 2

Kol Nidrei: Friday October 11th


High Holy Day Information 2024/5785

The Holy Days are late but will be here before we know it! Erev Rosh HaShanah begins on October 2nd! We are looking forward to welcoming you for both in-person and online synchronous holiday services.  All livestream login information will be sent once you have registered.


Click here to register!  We are so excited to welcome the New Year together with you!


Schedule of Services


Rosh Hashanah-  in person at Power House Studios in their event tent.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Sweet Start to the New Year– zoom only Wednesday, October 2nd 5:30 pm

Rosh Hashanah Morning Services– in person and on zoom Thursday, October 3rd 10:30am


Yom Kippur in person at the Weston Governor Morris in Morristown.

Kol Neidrei Services–in person and on zoom Friday, October 11th 7:30pm

Yom Kippur Morning Services in person and on zoom Saturday, October 12th 10:30 am

Yom Kippur Afternoon– in person and on zoom

3:30pm on zoom Book of Remembrance display, and music for the soul

4:30pm in person and on zoom  Yom Kippur Afternoon, Yizkor, Neilah



Learning for Kids

Tree of Life Learning- Sunday Morning In Person with Midweek Hebrew

Sunday Mornings 10:00 am- 11:00 am  or Wednesday Afternoons 100% Virtual

At MAKOMnj our education program is called Tree of Life Learning.

It’s where learning comes alive. Visit the “Kids” section under the “Learn” tab for more information

Click here to register



Wednesday Afternoon@4pm on Zoom with Additional Midweek Hebrew

Visit the “Kids” section under the “Learn” tab for more information

Click here to register


Learning For Adults

Torah and Topics: No Experience Necessary

Discuss current issues that we face in the world and see how Jewish values can guide us during difficult or uncertain times. No previous Torah study is needed in fact this is the perfect opportunity for anyone who is curious about Jewish learning. In a relaxed setting a new topic will be discussed each month.  Topics will include: Is it every okay to lie? What is our responsibility to the environment? What does Jewish tradition have to say about immigration?

Dates coming soon Click here to register and for location information.