Celebrate and observe the High Holy Days with a mindful balance of joy and introspection.  We will gather together  to welcome the New Year and reflect on the year that ended.



Mark your calendar for High Holy Days 2024/5785

Erev Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, October 2

Kol Nidrei: Friday October 11th



High Holy Day Information 2024/5785

The Holy Days are late but will be here before we know it! Erev Rosh HaShanah begins on October 2nd! We are looking forward to welcoming you for both in-person and online synchronous holiday services.  All livestream login information will be sent once you have registered.


Click here to register!  We are so excited to welcome the New Year together with you!


Schedule of Services


Rosh Hashanah-  in person at Power House Studios in their event tent.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Sweet Start to the New Year– zoom only Wednesday, October 2nd 5:30 pm

Rosh Hashanah Morning Services– in person and on zoom Thursday, October 3rd 10:30am


Yom Kippur in person at the Weston Governor Morris in Morristown.

Kol Neidrei Services–in person and on zoom Friday, October 11th 7:30pm

Yom Kippur Morning Services in person and on zoom Saturday, October 12th 10:30 am

Yom Kippur Afternoon– in person and on zoom

3:30pm on zoom Book of Remembrance display, and music for the soul

4:30pm in person and on zoom  Yom Kippur Afternoon, Yizkor, Neilah





Check our some picture from previous High Holy Days!


High Holy Days 2020 on ZOOM!

To watch the sermons or to replay services

Click here for our Youtube Channel and be sure to subscribe.


Pictures from the 2019 High Holy Days at the Morris Museum


Pictures from The 2018 High Holy Days that were held that the Morris Museum.